Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Sarah Cohen-Boulakia [correspondant] .

Scientific workflow systems are numerous and equipped of provenance modules able to collect data produced and consumed during workflow runs to enhance reproducibility. An increasing number of approaches have been developed to help managing provenance information. Some of them are able to process data in a polynomial time but they require workflows to have series-parallel (SP) structures.

SPChecker is able to detect whether or not any Taverna workflow has a series-parallel structure.

Impact: The tool is currently used by Taverna's users from the University of Manchester and more generally by myExperiment users (a collaboration with Manchester has started and should significantly augment the number of potential users).

Availability: Distributed under the terms of the licence since 01/02/2013 on simple demand to the author(s) at http://www.lri.fr/ chenj/SPChecker/ .